Shelter Afrique approves USD19.5 Million credit line to Mixta Afrique for affordable housing projects in Nigeria

Shelter Afrique approves USD19.5 Million credit line to Mixta Afrique for affordable housing projects in Nigeria.

– The facility will also help Mixta Africa repay part of a short-term loan raised from the capital market.

Nairobi: September 14, 2022

Pan-African housing development financier Shelter Afrique has extended USD19.5 million (₦8 billion) line of credit to Lagos-based real estate firm, Mixta Real Estate PLC.

The 7-year facility with a moratorium of 24 months has been structured to co-finance Mixta’s affordable residential projects investments and for debt refinancing.

USD9.75 (₦4 billion) will be used to co – finance 1,171 affordable housing units comprising on-going Beechwood Park project (187 units) and New Marula projects (984 units). The other USD9.75 (₦4 billion) will be used to repay part of Mixta’s 7-months Commercial Papers raised from the capital market in a bid to reduce the aggregate Commercial Papers outstanding from ₦ 17.9billion to ₦13.9billion.

“The deal with Mixta Real Estate PLC is appealing to us because in addition to addressing the development of affordable it also it stimulates rapid growth in housing provision, re-invigorates the development of the mortgage industry, as well as incorporating a sustainable development finance solution that makes the sector attractive to financiers,” Shelter Afrique Ag. Managing Director Kingsley Muwowo said.

Commenting on the deal, Mixta Africa, Executive Director and Chief Financial Officer, Mr Benson Ajayi said enabling access to housing and home ownership at affordable prices is the company’s main priority.

“The funding from Shelter Afrique is a validation of Mixta Africa’s housing and infrastructure development credentials. We are pleased to receive this funding approval after a rigorous due diligence process. In addition to accelerating the delivery of sustainable and affordable housing, the transaction will also strengthen the company’s funding status. The Company is delighted about the support of Shelter Afrique and looks forward to working with Shelter Afrique to deliver on its affordable housing mandate across Africa,” Mr. Ajayi said.

Other projects

Shelter Afrique has had long term relationship with Mixta Africa dating back to the year 2014 when the Company extended USD 6 million to Mixta (formerly ARM Properties PLC) to co-finance the development of 13 blocks comprising 130 apartments and related infrastructures services for outright sale to the public. The project was successful completed and the loan full paid back.

In March 2021, Shelter Afrique Board of Director approved a corporate loan in form of line of credit of USD 13 million in favor of Mixta. The 5- year facility was to be on-lent to Mixta’s Real Estate Development affiliates to fund the Group’s current real estate portfolio composed of three key housing developments programs of 889 low to middle housing units in Morocco (371 units), in Senegal (162 units) and in Ivory Coast (356 housing units).

“We are jointly reviewing a few terms and conditions of this facility at the moment and loan agreements between the two parties is expected will be signed soon,” Mr. Muwowo said.

The facility is expected to directly impact more than 1,171 families and provide accommodation for more than 4,684 people (average size of households in Lagos is 3.8) and create at least 2,342 jobs.

Notes to Editor

Shelter Afrique

Shelter-Afrique is a pan African housing finance and development institution established by African governments to address the need for a sustainable housing delivery system and related infrastructure projects in Africa. Shareholders include 44 African countries, the African Development Bank, the African Re-Insurance Corporation, and Fonds de Solidarité Africain (FSA).

The company’s mandate is to provide financing through debt, quasi-equity, and equity to both public and private institutions for housing and urban infrastructure projects in its member countries. Shelter Afrique builds strategic partnerships and offers a host of products and related services to support the efficient delivery of affordable housing and commercial real estate. These include project finance, institutional lending, equity investments & joint ventures, trade finance, and social housing.

We also offer practical advice and technical assistance to a wide range of industry stakeholders

For more information, please visit

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Mixta Africa

Mixta Real Estate Plc is a Pan-African real estate development company headquartered in Lagos, Nigeria. It was established in 2005 and since then, has successfully executed many impactful projects. The company is currently present in 8 countries across Africa with full operations in Nigeria, Senegal, Côte d’Ivoire, Morocco, and Tunisia but with projects in Mauritania, Algeria and Egypt.

For further enquiries, please contact:

Babatunde Oyateru | Communications Manager | Shelter Afrique| Shelter Afrique Centre | Longonot Road – Upper Hill| Tel: +254 20 4978000 | Email:|


Mike Omuodo | Executive Director| Media Fast PR | Tel: +254 736 014 596| Email:|

Director Kiiza Ephraim Bichetero


Academic Qualifications

Global Executive Master of Business Administration Degree, United States International University in collaboration with the Colombia Business School – Kenya.

Credit & Political Risk Insurance by Euro Money.

Associated Chartered Insurance Institute (London) -United Kingdom.

Bachelor of Arts (BA), Makerere University – Uganda

Skills & Competencies

Mr. Ephraim Kiiza K. Bichetero has held leadership roles in several institutions and brings a wealth of experience in matters Re-Insurance audit, risk, and finance.


Impeccable knowledge of reinsurance

Insurance & Finance Competence

Audit, Governance & Risk Expertise

Board Experience

Member and Chairperson of the Board of Directors of the Company for Habitat & Housing in Africa (Shelter Afrique) – 2021-2022.

Member of the Board of Africa Trade Insurance Agency (ATI)

Member of the Audit, Governance & Risk Management Committee for Insurance Training & Education Trust (ITET).

Member of the Board of Organization of East & Southern Africa Insurers.

Member of the Risk Evaluation Committee for the Insurance Regulatory Authority, Kenya.

Technical & Reinsurance Manager of United Assurance Company Ltd. (UAP Insurance).