Shelter Afrique unveils new five-year strategic plan.

Shelter Afrique unveils new five-year strategic plan.

    1. The new strategy, dubbed the ‘New Dawn’, is expected to position the Institution for growth through improved governance, operational and financial performance.

Nairobi, Kenya – January 31, 2023: Pan-African housing development financier – Shelter Afrique has unveiled a five-year strategic plan to restore the Institution’s performance, competitiveness, and value creation for the long term. Shelter Afrique unveiled the plan during a Ministerial and Board retreat in Nairobi, which was also attended by the Shareholders’ Bureau represented by Zimbabwe, Nigeria and Rwanda who currently serve as President, First Vice-president, and Second Vice-President of the Bureau, respectively. Development partners such as the African Development Bank, and investment partners such as Actis, Mi Vida and Shapoorji Pallonji (India) were also in attendance. Side discussions were held with Bilateral partners such as CDC, now known as BII (British International Investment), one of the initial shareholders of the Institution.

The new 2023-2027 strategic plan, dubbed the ‘New Dawn’, is expected to position the Institution for growth through improved governance, operational and financial performance. 

The plan focuses on building relationships with various stakeholders to deliver strong and impactful business performance based on a new corporate structure fit for purpose.  

Refocusing the business

Speaking at a retreat organised by the Institution in Nairobi to appraise the Board of Directors, shareholder representatives, and business partners, Shelter Afrique Chairman Dr. Chii Akporji said the unveiling of the new strategic plan was an important milestone for the Institution.

“The new strategic plan that we have dubbed the ‘New Dawn’ has laid the foundations to refocus our business on growth and impact, while creating sustainable returns for our shareholders and all our stakeholders. It has the board’s unanimous support and provides the Institution with a clear compass,” Dr. Akporji said.

Dr. Akporji welcomed the new Managing Director and CEO, Mr. Thierno-Habib Hann and thanked the board for showing a great sense of responsibility and collective support to the new leadership paving the way to “creating conditions necessary to enter this new phase confidently”.

Echoing the Chairman, Shelter Afrique’s new Managing Director and CEO, Mr.  Thierno-Habib Hann said it was imperative for the Institution to refocus, deliver and scale up, following the successful conclusion of its restructuring program.

“The past 20 years provided us with some vital lessons which have been critical in developing the new strategic plan – a plan centred on sustainable and competitive growth while delivering consistently and enhancing shareholder value.” Mr. Hann said.

Mr. Hann added that the new strategic plan offers the Institution an impetus to focus more on clients, business performance, and staff; provides a framework for upscaling engagements with various stakeholders; offers a motivation to bolster the institution’s corporate governance credentials; and creates the momentum to introduce new product lines.

“While driving Mobilization and Syndication, we will be focusing on four business lines, namely (1) Funded and unfunded lines of credit to financial institutions to finance housing solutions, (2) Project Finance for large-scale housing initiatives; (3) Affordable Housing PPPs structuring and (4) Thematic Housing Fund Management and Advisory Services. The new strategic plan envisages a streamlined approach, which allows us to reach the end users by establishing new product structures such as Employer Staff Housing Funds, Green/Resilient homes and Rent-To-Own financing”, Mr. Hann explained.

New organisational structure 

The unveiling of the new strategy has necessitated the re-alignment of the organisation and the introduction of a new organisational structure and operating model designed to support the Institution’s innovation, growth, and productivity ambitions for the next five years.

Effectively, the Institution has created new units which will focus the business on financial institutions, project finance, fund management, and public-private partnerships. Additionally, the Strategy, Policy, research and partnerships functions will also be driven from the CEO’s office.  

“We believe the new organisational model is central to the successful implementation of our new strategic plan as it will make us more agile and competitive, enhance client focus, unlock significant potential across the business, and drive value-creation through operational efficiencies,” Mr. Hann concluded. 

Notes to Editor                             

 Shelter Afrique

Shelter-Afrique is the sole pan-African housing finance and development finance institution established by African governments to address the need for a sustainable housing delivery system and related infrastructure projects in Africa. Shareholders include 44 African countries, the African Development Bank, and the African Re-Insurance Corporation.

The Institution’s mandate is to provide advisory and financing through debt, quasi-equity, and equity to public and private institutions for housing and urban infrastructure projects in its member countries. Shelter Afrique builds strategic partnerships and offers various products and related services to support the efficient delivery of affordable housing and related commercial & social infrastructure. These include project finance, lending to Financial Institutions, equity investments & joint ventures, SME & Trade Finance for housing, and Gender, Climate friendly Green/Resilient housing.

The Institution offers practical advice and technical assistance to a wide range of industry stakeholders.

For more information, please visit

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For further enquiries, please contact:

Babatunde Oyateru | Communications Manager | Shelter Afrique| Shelter Afrique Centre | Longonot Road – Upper Hill| Tel: +254 20 4978000 | Email:|


Mike Omuodo | Media Fast PR| Tel: +254 736 014 596| Email:|


Thierno-Habib Hann assumes office as the CEO of Pan-African Housing Institution, Shelter Afrique

Thierno-Habib Hann assumes office as the CEO of Pan-African Housing Institution, Shelter Afrique

  1. Mr.  Thierno-Habib Hann brings to the Company over 20 years of international experience in housing finance, capital markets/investment banking and structured finance.
  2. Mr. Hann has a diverse experience across the private sector, public sector and DFIs

Nairobi, Kenya: 11 January 2023 – Mr. Thierno-Habib Hann has assumed the position of the new Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of the Nairobi-based Pan-African housing development financier Shelter Afrique following his appointment in August last year.

Mr. Hann joins Shelter Afrique from the International Finance Corporation (IFC), where he served as the Asia/Pacific Lead for housing finance, based in Bangkok, Thailand.

He takes over from Mr. Kingsley Muwowo, who has been serving in an acting capacity following the change in management last year.

Mr. Hann has extensive international experience in housing finance, capital markets/investment banking and structured finance spanning over 20 years.  He brings a wealth of leadership experience in development and investment, sharp insight into the real estate landscape and a strong track record of delivery. 

He is expected to strengthen governance, be an embodiment of the organisation’s values and drive the investment strategy of the Company focused on delivering large-scale affordable housing.

  Speaking on his appointment, Mr. Hann expressed his gratitude and appreciation, “I’m happy and honoured to take on the new role at Shelter Afrique; I would like to extend my appreciation to the Shareholders and the Board of Directors for their confidence in me. I would like to thank the staff, partners and stakeholders for their warm welcome and their commitment to the mandate of Shelter Afrique. I am also grateful to my former colleagues at the IFC and World Bank. The institution and title may have changed, but I believe we all share a joint commitment and goal of developing our world and I look forward to collaborating with them. I would especially like to thank Mr. Kingsley Muwowo for the role he has played in the transition and for his personal and professional support; his service to the Company as CFO and eventually as Acting CEO has been invaluable to the Company.

Mr. Hann continued on the significance of Shelter Afrique and affordable housing on the continent, “Housing is critical to the development of any nation, and Shelter-Afrique’s mandate is both unique and important, particularly as many African countries face a significant turning point in their housing agenda. We want to be part of this turning point. It is an honour to lead this team, and together, we will work towards harnessing national resources to improve local populations’ living conditions and to achieve Shelter Afrique’s mandate,”

Illustrious career

Mr. Hann began his career at the consulting firm Arthur Andersen, LLC as a Senior Consultant in Financial Services and Capital Markets in New York City. He has worked at JPMorgan Chase and Goldman Sachs as Manager and Vice President, respectively and led investment teams issuing mortgage-backed securities (RMBS/CMO) and credit derivatives (CDS) in these organisations.  

He also served at the World Bank Group as the Private Sector Development Program Manager in Guinea, responsible for designing and implementing the business climate improvement program while developing a bankable pipeline of investments and government advisory projects in strategic sectors of the economy.

Hann holds an MBA in Finance & Investments from the Zicklin School of Business, Bernard Baruch, City University of New York; a master’s degree in Accounting and Finance (M.S.T.C.F) and a bachelor’s degree in Management and Applied Economics (GEA), from Paris IX Dauphine University, with honours.

A native of Guinea (Conakry), Habib is the co-founder of “AngelAfrica” – a Pan-African thinktank formed to achieve economic prosperity on the continent by building and fostering innovative technological ideas, investors and business partnerships.

New Beginnings

Speaking on his plans for Shelter Afrique, the new Managing Director emphasised his focus on growing the portfolio with quality assets, generating impact for stakeholders, and ensuring shoring up the organisation’s capital base. “My immediate focus will be to optimise the organisation’s performance and ensure we deliver on our mandate. To do this, in the immediate term, management is committed to strengthening the brand and corporate governance, ensuring financial sustainability with a strong execution capability, strengthening risk management framework as well as deepening capacity within the organisation and advocating for innovative solutions in the delivery of affordable housing.

“I also plan to embark on broad stakeholder engagement to understand other ways to address our mandate; we welcome the views of our shareholders and partners as the task of delivering affordable housing is a shared one, and no single organisation can address the growing housing crisis alone”.

Hann also commented on the current organisation renewal and corporate governance, “We are very pleased that as part of our renewal, our Board has nominated two women to lead as Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson for the first time in our history. We look forward to their stewardship and vision for the organisation”.

Notes to Editor                             

Shelter-Afrique is a pan-African housing finance and development institution established by African governments and African Development Bank (AfDB) to address the need for a sustainable housing delivery system and related infrastructure projects in Africa. Shareholders include 44 African countries, the African Development Bank, the African Re-Insurance Corporation, and Fonds de Solidarité Africain (FSA).

The company’s mandate is to provide financing through debt, quasi-equity, and equity to public and private institutions for housing and urban infrastructure projects in its member countries. Shelter Afrique builds strategic partnerships and offers a host of products and related services to support the efficient delivery of affordable housing and related urban/social infrastructure. These include project finance, financial institutions lending, equity investments & joint ventures, trade finance, and social housing.

We also offer advisory services and technical assistance to a wide range of industry stakeholders.

For more information, please visit

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 For further enquiries, please contact:

Babatunde Oyateru | Communications Manager | Shelter Afrique| Shelter Afrique Centre | Longonot Road – Upper Hill| Tel: +254 20 4978000 | Email:|


Mike Omuodo | Media Fast PR| Tel: +254 736 014 596| Email:|

Mr. Thierno-Habib Hann

Mr. Thierno-Habib Hann is the Chief Executive Officer of Shelter Afrique, the Pan-African institution for housing. He joined Shelter Afrique from the International Finance Corporation (IFC), where he served as the Asia/Pacific Lead for housing finance, based in Bangkok, Thailand.

Mr. Hann has extensive international experience in housing finance, capital markets/investment banking and structured finance spanning over 20 years. He brings a wealth of leadership experience in development and investment, sharp insight into the real estate landscape and a strong track record of delivery.

Mr. Hann began his career at the consulting firm Arthur Andersen, LLC as a Senior Consultant in Financial Services and Capital Markets in New York City. He has worked at JPMorgan Chase and Goldman Sachs as Manager and Vice President, respectively, and led investment teams issuing mortgage-backed securities (RMBS/CMOs) and credit derivatives (CDS)

He also served at the World Bank Group as the Private Sector Development Program Manager in Guinea, responsible for designing and implementing the investment climate improvement program while developing a bankable pipeline of investments and government advisory projects in strategic sectors of the economy.

Mr. Hann holds an MBA in Finance & Investments from the Zicklin School of Business, Bernard Baruch, City University of New York; a master’s degree in Accounting and Finance (M.S.T.C.F) and a bachelor’s degree in Management and Applied Economics (GEA), from University Paris IX Dauphine, with honors.

A native of Guinea (Conakry), Habib is the co-founder of “AngelAfrica” – a Pan-African thinktank formed to achieve economic prosperity on the continent by building and fostering innovation, investors and business partnerships.