Shelter Afrique’s 43rd AGM Under the High Patronage of H.E. President Kagame

Announcement: Shelter Afrique’s 43rd AGM Under the High Patronage of H.E. President Kagame

Shelter Afrique  is delighted to announce that its 43rd Annual General Meeting (AGM) and the Bwiza Riverside Home Site Visit will be held under the High Patronage of H.E. President Paul Kagame. This significant event is scheduled for 13th June 2024.

The high patronage of President Kagame is a testament to the importance and impact of Shelter Afrique’s mission to advance sustainable development and provide affordable housing solutions across Africa. President Kagame’s support underscores the critical role that Shelter Afrique plays in addressing housing challenges and fostering economic growth on the continent.

The AGM will bring together key stakeholders, including shareholders of our 44 Member States, policymakers, financial institutions, and development partners, to discuss and strategize on advancing the affordable housing agenda in Africa. The event will also feature a site visit to ADHI Rwanda’s Bwiza Riverside Home, showcasing the latest in sustainable urban development and affordable housing projects.

Stay tuned for more updates as we approach this landmark event.

Shelter Afrique remains committed to its mission of driving sustainable development and improving living standards across Africa. 

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For further enquiries, please contact:

Communications Team | Shelter Afrique| Shelter Afrique Centre | Longonot Road – Upper Hill| Tel: +254 20 4978000 | Email:|


Mike Omuodo | Media Fast PR| Tel: +254 736 014 596| Email:|



We are the Pan-African Real Estate Finance Institution

Shelter Afrique is the only pan-African finance institution that exclusively
supports the development of the housing and real estate sector in Africa.

We believe that as we build houses, We build families and nations.
This is our commitment to the people of Africa