Shelter Afrique Signs MoU with Zamfara State Government

On Tuesday the 14th Shelter Afrique played host to the Government of Zamfara State, in Nigeria. The delegation was led by the Governor Abdul’Aziz Yari [pictured above] and senior members of the state government. The Governor was also accompanied by the Nigerian High Commissioner to Kenya, Mr. Akin Oyateru.

The delegation was welcomed by the Managing Director of SHAF, Mr. Alassane Ba and all members of the Senior Management Council.

The delegation had come to SHAF to find ways to collaborate on affordable housing projects in the state. The discussions between the two parties were centred on the dynamics of a Public-Private-Partnership [PPP]. The culmination of the discussions resulted in the signing of a MoU between the two parties to develop affordable housing in the state.

Under the Memorandum of Understanding Shelter Afrique will provide advisory services including the support for the selection of consultants, project design and financing plan. In addition, Shelter Afrique will facilitate the financing of the project.
Likewise, under the MoU the government of Zamfara State will be responsible for identification and allocation of land for the project and for developing the bulk infrastructure including access road, power and water, off taker finance.

Addressing the delegation the Managing Director of Shelter Afrique remarked on how timely the visit and the discussions were, as the regional office in Nigeria was just getting underway. He also mentioned the strategic importance of the Nigerian market and reaffirmed Shelter Afrique’s commitment to affordable housing on the continent.

In his remarks, the Governor of Zamfara, Abdul’Aziz Yari expressed his pleasure with the development and remarked on how his government was committed to providing affordable housing in his state and to improving the lives of his citizens.

On his part, the Nigerian Ambassador to Kenya, Mr. Akin Oyateru remarked on his sense of fulfilment as the number of Nigerian Governors who have begun discussions with Shelter Afrique had increased. He commented on the strategic importance of Shelter Afrique and was hopeful that many more Nigerian Governors would open discussions with Shelter Afrique.

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