Shelter Afrique holds Regional Consultations with our shareholders

Shelter Afrique holds Regional Consultations with our shareholders, the meetings took place in Abidjan, Ivory Coast, for Francophone West Africa and Kenya for East Africa. These meetings were borne out of the fact that during the symposium held at Victoria Falls on the 5th of July 2017, the shareholders expressed the need for consultations between Shelter Afrique and Government officials of member countries responsible for housing policy and implementation of country programs.

In response to this, the Francophone Regional meeting held in on 14th and 15th of September 2017

1. In attendance were Mali, Togo, Niger, Guinea Conakry and Niger

2. The meetings objectives were to :

Have an overview of each country housing policy, strategy;
Review key priorities housing programs for each country;
Discuss key challenges and alternatives solutions;
Explain key needs of each country expects from SHAF;
Indicate tentative milestones to elaborate a road map per country;

3. The participants paid a courtesy call to the housing Minister of the host country, Participants also had the opportunity to visit the social housing program initiated by the Government.

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