Statement of Commitment for EDGE Champions

Shelter Afrique has been recognized as an EDGE Champion by IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, for our commitment to green building construction in Africa.

We have committed to certifying 4,416 affordable housing units with EDGE, a global green building certification system, which is in line with our 2021-2025 corporate strategy. To achieve EDGE certification, the units will demonstrate resource efficiency of at least 20 percent in energy, water, and embodied energy in materials.

Furthermore, through our Centre of Excellence (CoE), we will collaborate with IFC to deliver an EDGE Discovery Workshop to developers across Africa to accelerate the development of resource-efficient affordable housing.

This commitment exemplifies our resolve to support Africa’s sustainability drive by contributing to solving the continent’s affordable housing crises through green building practices.

An innovation of IFC, EDGE is an online platform, a green building standard, and a global certification system. EDGE Champions are recognized for their adoption of EDGE certification and their work with IFC to steer the construction sector onto a more low-carbon path.


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