Shelter Afrique 11th Peer Review of Aafdi

Shelter Afrique’s results after participation on the 11th Peer Review of the AADFI member-institutions with the Association’s Prudential Standards, Guidelines and Rating System (PSGRS) for the year 2021.

In line with the Company’s Strategy 2021- 2025 and Strategic Goal (SG) no. 3 on Organizational sustainability where we shall continuously improve operational excellence by continuously self-evaluating ourselves against our peers in the DFI space. Shelter Afrique is a member of Association of African Development Financing Institutions (AADFI) and regularly participates in the Peer Review with the Association’s PSGRS.

What is Prudential Standards, Guidelines and Rating Systems (PSGRS)?

The Prudential Standards, Guidelines, and Rating System (PSGRS) was developed 10 years ago by the AADFI, with the support of the AfDB, as a tool for strengthening the African Development Finance institutions (DFIs).

The tool has been useful to DFIs in assessing their areas of weaknesses and strengths with the view to reinforce the strengths and address the weaknesses. The PSGRS has also provided a regulatory guide for various DFI supervisory authorities in many African countries and served as a useful instrument in transforming African DFIs from “non-performing” to “performing” DFIs. The PSGRS has gained acceptance and recognition as an important instrument for strengthening the African DFIs.
SHAF participated in the 11th Peer Review of the AADFI member-institutions with the Association’s Prudential Standards, Guidelines and Rating System (PSGRS) for the year 2021. SHAF emerged as one of the top DFIs in Africa with an assigned Compliance Index of 91% (the very high compliance zone (80% and above) having being assessed on its Governance, Policies, Strategies and Procedures.

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