Social Housing Programs

Large Scale housing projects are at the very centre of our new strategy, it is our anchor product. This decision was arrived after careful consideration of the affordable housing landscape. We believe large-scale housing development are a positive and mass impact making avenue and we are committed to promoting them and achieving them through Private-Public-Partnerships (PPPs).

Given our experience, we are aware of challenges at the Pre-development stage and the execution stage which is why we established a dedicated Project Implementation Team. This product seeks to address, in a more deliberate and strategic manner, the affordable housing supply constraint evident across the markets that SHELTER-AFRIQUE operates. The magnitude of the housing deficit across the continent may not be closed using small ticket projects. Delivering at large scale brings forth economies of scale that eventually translate to affordability.

Interested in Public-Private Partnership?

Take the Next Step To apply for financing from Shelter Afrique, please submit a formal written application letter stating your requirements. Applications will be processed on the basis of the following ;a comprehensive business plan (including financial projections) drawn up by or on behalf of your company; detailed technical information such as site layouts and architectural plans; well defined off-take arrangements or a clear-cut marketing plan; audited financial statements for the past three years (or since inception if shorter);current year latest management accounts; plus, detailed profiles of senior management.

To be eligible, your company must hold a valid title to the project land, free of any encumbrances, and should demonstrate strong corporate governance. If you would like to find out more reach us through here.

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