AMCHUD, UN HABITAT & Shelter Afrique Cocktail

The Government of Kenya hosted the fourth African Ministerial Conference on Housing and Urban Development (AMCHUD 4) in the city of Nairobi from 20 to 23 March 2012 at the KICC, under the theme “Territorial Planning and Access to Basic Services for all and Implications of Climate Change Issues in Africa.”

The Conference brought together participants comprising of Ministers in charge of housing and their delegations from all over the continent as well as those from partner institutions.

The participants tackled a number of issues with the objective of finding common solutions for positive change.

Shelter-Afrique used this opportunity to co-host, together with UN Habitat, a Cocktail at the Intercontinental Hotel, in honor of the delegates who were attending the Conference.

The cocktail was attended by high ranking Government officials led by Kenya Minister for Housing Mr. Soita Shitanda.

In his speech, the Managing Director of Shelter-Afrique Mr. Alassane Bâ emphasized that in order to succeed in improving the quality of lives of the future generations in Africa; governments will have to work in partnership. The stakeholders involved must mobilise additional resources and continue strengthening and enhancing the capacity of housing finance institutions like Shelter Afrique and others that seek to promote housing in the continent.

Shelter-Afrique remains fully committed to working relentlessly in building internal capacity as well as for other housing finance institutions within the Member Countries secure the right resources and form key partnerships to support the African housing sector and the challenges of rapid urbanisation.

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