Students Accommodation

We help developers and financial institutions involved in the construction sector with the procurement cycle of building materials and equipment.

Urban housing and infrastructure development are at the highest priority of most African Countries. War and destruction as well as poor enabling policies have led to insufficient and low levels of investment in housing per-capita. Compensatory investment lagging behind demand is demonstrated by the high demand for housing and implied construction materials have resulted in growth rates as high as 350% + p.a. in some countries.

We want to address the gap by developing Trade Finance Facilities which create a strategic window for the Institution to control the quality and the use of the facilities which are allocated to the importation of construction materials.

Advisory Services

Almost all housing projects require proper and efficient preparation and interaction with many partners (Professionals, Architects, Civil Engineers, Supervision firms, Approval Authorities, Financial Partners, Contractors, End user, Management Team, Development Institutions etc.

With our long and rich in-house experience, we will bring on board competencies and seasoned professionals and partner with external professionals to conduct a thorough assessment of all the stages of preparation of the project to be sure that the key challenges which may arise during the project’s life have been identified and appropriate contingency plan has been put in place

Interested in Advisory Services? Take the next step.

To apply for financing from Shelter Afrique, please submit a formal written application letter stating your requirements. Applications will be processed on the basis of the following: a comprehensive business plan (including financial projections) drawn up by or on behalf of your company; detailed technical information such as site layouts and architectural plans; well defined off-take arrangements or a clear-cut marketing plan; audited financial statements for the past three years (or since inception if shorter); current year latest management accounts; plus, detailed profiles of senior management. To be eligible, your company must hold a valid title to the project land, free of any encumbrances, and should demonstrate strong corporate governance.

If you would like to find out more reach us through here.

Urban Regeneration

Lines of Credit to Financial Institutions Demand for housing remains highest for individuals living at the bottom of the pyramid (BoP) across Shelter Afrique member countries. However, these individuals are always exclude from home ownership particularly through the formal mortgage market due to the associated perceived credit risks.

Financing options for this income group remains scarce and largely informal. In the absence of accessible financing options, most lower income families end up building incrementally based on their needs and available resources.

This progressive building process may be carried out over several years and may entail acquiring land, building an initial structure and following with a series of expansions and improvements. We intend to make this more feasible through our Housing Micro-Finance Product.

The product is designed for beneficiaries who want to use the funds accessed for housing provision. The housing microfinance loans represent relatively small sums, borrowed for a much shorter term than a mortgage to match both the income streams of low-income clients and the construction costs of their incremental building steps.

Interested in Housing Microfinance? Take the next step.

To apply for financing from Shelter Afrique, please submit a formal written application letter stating your requirements. Applications will be processed on the basis of the following: a comprehensive business plan (including financial projections) drawn up by or on behalf of your company; detailed technical information such as site layouts and architectural plans; well defined off-take arrangements or a clear-cut marketing plan; audited financial statements for the past three years (or since inception if shorter); current year latest management accounts; plus, detailed profiles of senior management. To be eligible, your company must hold a valid title to the project land, free of any encumbrances, and should demonstrate strong corporate governance.

If you would like to find out more reach us through here.

Fund Management Group (FMG)

In line with the UN Millenium Development Goals, we offer technical assistance such as housing policy advocacy and partner with national housing agencies, cooperatives, and other public institutions on a range of housing initiatives.

Project Finance Group (PFG)

For housing developers, or construction firms, we offer the support and finance you need for the construction and infrastructure components of your project, helping build capacity to provide affordable housing on a large scale.

Our range of products cuts across

We want our members to feel Shelter Afrique gives them a strong sense of community, where they feel included and appreciated and can actively contribute to our mission. Each time they leave Shelter Afrique they do so feeling they have invested their time wisely by developing new skills, networking with interesting people, sharing their experiences and learning something new.

Director Dr. Ouadja Kossi Gbati

Academic qualifications

PhD, Urban geography, University of Lomé

Land Use Planning and Community Management, University of Lomé.

Master of Arts, Urban Geography, University of Lomé.

Bachelor of Arts, General Geography, University of Lomé.

DEUG, General Geography, University of Benin

Skills & Competencies

Land management issues.

Urban planning issues.

Decentralization and local government management issues.

Land use and urban planning.

Town and urban planning.

Board Experience

Mr. Ouadja Kossi Gbati has an immense appreciation of urban development and land Management issues and has held leadership positions in several institutions.

Acting director general (DG / Pi) of the Center for Construction and Housing (CCL) Lomé.

Member of the Board of Directors of the Société autonome du financement de I’entretien routier (SAFER) – Togo.

Head Division of subdivision extracts and urban planning studies at the Directorate General of Urban Planning, Municipal Development.

Board of Directors

Shelter Afrique’s Board shares the responsibility of directing the institution’s strategic goals, and the implementation of the same by the rest of the organisation.

Each Board member brings to Shelter Afrique valuable experience and perspective that is core to the quality of operations and advancement of our mandate as we look to support our members and champion affordable housing for all Africans.