Our strategy

Shelter Afrique is a pan-African housing finance institution dedicated to providing a full suite of funding solutions for new affordable housing projects across Africa.

SG3: Improve Organizational Sustainability

Shelter Afrique Strategic Goals

We will

  • Maintain and implement principles of good corporate governance.
  • Zero tolerance on unethical and corrupt practices.
  • Attain operational excellence by improving business processes and turnaround times for actions.
  • Embark on, and achieve digital transformation, within the organization.
  • Attract, retain and develop talent.
  • Implement a proactive communication and crisis management strategy.
  • Successfully conduct rebranding of the organization.

Our Strategic Goals

The overarching theme of 2023 – 2027 CSP is: “Stabilization, modest growth towards sustainable resilient and inclusive development.” The theme is considered appropriate considering the Company’s recent history of turbulence and instability and the need to refocus its operations to effectively deliver on its mandate and regain stakeholders’’

In line with theme above, the 3 SGs from the previous CSP have been retained in the revised version with the priority ranking as specified below. The SGs are seen as key to the delivery of the Company’s mandate and enhancement of shareholder value.