Interns Intro


Thanks for your interest in working with Shelter Afrique. We are an equal opportunity employer and encourage women and people with disability to apply for a fair chance to all opportunities
If you feel that you could be part of our team please send your CV and your cover letter to
Please note that CV’s without a cover letter will not be considered. We receive numerous expressions of interest and whilst we commit to review each one of them, we will prioritize responses to successful applicants within 14 days.

Consultants Intro


Thanks for your interest in working with Shelter Afrique. We are an equal opportunity employer and encourage women and people with disability to apply for a fair chance to all opportunities
If you feel that you could be part of our team please send your CV and your cover letter to
Please note that CV’s without a cover letter will not be considered. We receive numerous expressions of interest and whilst we commit to review each one of them, we will prioritize responses to successful applicants within 14 days.

Equity Investments and Joint Ventures Funds

Demand for medium to long term capital for financing housing developments and mortgages in African Countries far outweigh the supply. This is evidenced by a scan of most African financial institutions’ financial statements that demonstrate the maturity of their liabilities are largely short term and inappropriate for creation of long-term assets such as mortgages. We can mobilize long-term resources for on-lending to address this gap.

Our 2019-2023 Strategic Plan has shifted from predominantly financing small scale developers to large- scale housing schemes across our member countries. We do this confident in the knowledge that we can leverage our partnerships with local financial institutions and reach out to small-scale developers. This will also allow us build up technical expertise in these institutions.