Shelter Afrique bounces back to profitability to signify a successful turnaround

Shelter Afrique bounces back to profitability to signify a successful turnaround

Nairobi, Kenya – Friday, March 26, 2021: Pan African housing development financier Shelter Afrique has returned to profitability as reported in its 2020 earnings.  

The Company’s Total comprehensive income increased to KSh 196 million (USD 1.85M) in 2020, up from a Total Comprehensive Loss of the KSh 134 million (US$1.26M) recorded in 2019, representing a 247% per cent increase, year-on-year – the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic in the first quarter of 2020 notwithstanding.

Addressing the Press in Nairobi, Shelter Afrique Chairman Dr Steve Mainda said the turnaround strategy put in place in 2016 has finally paid off and that the Company was now financially viable.

“Between 2016-2018, the Company scaled down its operations and, in the process, underwent a restructuring programme which resulted in the crafting of the 2019-2023 Strategic Plan. The Strategic Plan focused on three Key Strategic Goals (SGs), which are supported by key strategic objectives of achieving financial sustainability, enhancing shareholders’ value & development impact, and organisational sustainability. I wish to commend the competent team for their judicious implementation of the recovery plan which has achieved the desired results ahead of time,” Dr. Mainda said.

In the 2019-2023 Strategic Plan, the Company had projected a return to financial viability by 2020 and overall financial sustainability and profitability by 2023.

“The return to financial viability ahead of schedule as signalled by the growth in operating profit and income in 2020 is an indication that the turnaround strategy has been effective. With the robust loan pipeline of KSh89 billion (US$840M) from 2021 and beyond, the Company is poised to declare dividends to the 46 shareholders sooner,” said Shelter Afrique Group Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer Andrew Chimphondah.

Strong liquidity

During the period under review, the Company maintained a strong liquidity position with a cash balance of KSh5.03 billion (US$47.4M), closing the year with a liquidity ratio of 27 per cent, 12 percentage points above the 15 per cent prudential limit. 

The strong liquidity was achieved on the back of increased capital receipts from shareholders and successful collections from the performing loan book. A total of KSh1.775 billion (US$ 16.65M) in new capital subscriptions was received from member countries during the year.

Borrowings declined by 52 per cent to KSh3.681 billion (US$ 34.71M) in 2020 from KSh 7.599 billion (US$ 71.65M) recorded in 2019.  COVID-19 impact also led to reduced net loan assets by 11% to KSh 10.78 billion (US$ 101.66M) due to low disbursements caused by the stringent underwriting controls based on an increase in reassessed credit risks.

The Chief Executive, however, noted that the significant financial milestone registered in 2020 was the successful conclusion of the Debt Restructuring Agreement (DRA) with the eight global lenders. This played a crucial role in fast-tracking the Company’s return to profitability, despite the impact of COVID-19 Pandemic, which saw the global economy fell into recession with GDP rate estimated to have declined by an average of 4.5 per cent. 

“In May 2020, we signed a Debt Restructuring Agreement (DRA) with six Development Finance Institutions (DFIs) and two Commercial Banks Lenders. With the full return to profitability, we are on track to fully repay this debt by June 2021, three years ahead of schedule,” Mr Chimphondah said.

Additional Capital

Speaking at the event, the Vice-Chairman of the Board, Mr Sekou Demba said the Company was reviewing various capital raising options, including new equity capital and debt options through the issuance of local currency bonds to develop and deepen Africa’s capital markets.

“We have intensified capital subscription receipts from current shareholders, and at the same time, we are mobilising new Class “B” & “C” members. Already, Fonds De Solidarite Africain (FSA) is expected to join under Class “B” shareholding in June 2021. We also plan to raise new debt funding with current and new DFIs lenders, including possible facilities from BOAD, ICD, Credit Suisse, and the Trade Development Bank,” Mr. Demba said.

Chimphondah expanding on this said The Company was also planning to issue Local Currency Bonds amounting to KSh 53 billion (US$ 500M) Note Program; KSh 53 billion (US$ 500M) planned for East African through the Capital Market Authority of Kenya; and a minimum of KSh 10.6 billion (US$ 100M) in CFA equivalent for the CFA Zone.


Positive outlook

Mr Chimphondah said despite COVID-19, the Company sees enormous opportunities to deliver large scale low-cost affordable housing units across the continent to improve sanitation standards, backed by healthy loan asset growth to deliver on the KSh 89 billion (US$ 840M) plus pipeline. 

Shelter Afrique and Government of Cameroon Sign an MoU for the Development of Social Housing and the Host Country Agreement for the 40th Annual General Meeting

Shelter Afrique and Government of Cameroon Sign an MoU for the Development of Social Housing and the Host Country Agreement for the 40th Annual General Meeting

Nairobi, Kenya: 18 March 2021 – Pan-African housing development financier Shelter Afrique has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the government of Cameroon to contribute to the government’s social housing programme and a hosting agreement for the 40th Annual General Meeting.

The MOU which is expected to contribute 3000 houses to the government’s social housing programme, was signed in Yaoundé by Shelter Afrique Chief Executive Officer Andrew Chimphondah and Cameroon Minister for Housing and Urban Development, Madame Célestine Ketcha Courtès, during a week-long working mission with the Shelter Afrique Team.

Speaking during the signing ceremony, Madame Célestine Ketcha Courtès assumed the 1st Vice Chairpersonship of the Shelter Afrique Bureau in 2020 and will succeed Kenya as Chairman during the 40th Annual General Meeting, lauded Shelter Afrique for its commitment to Cameroon. The minister commended Mr Chimphondah for leading the successful mission to Cameroon and noted that it demonstrated Shelter Afrique’s conviction to invest in Cameroon’s housing industry’s potential.  

“The MOU we’ve signed with Shelter Afrique is a demonstration of the potential of the housing market in Cameroon, but more so it is proof that affordable housing is central to the agenda of the government of the President of the Republic of Cameroon, His Excellency, Paul Biya,” the Minister said, adding that the Government had undertaken to ensure that there would be incentives to encourage participation in the government’s Social Housing Programme.  

On his part, Mr Chimphondah said the MOU signing was very significant. It highlighted Shelter Afrique’s role as a catalyst in the industry and its ability to leverage and syndicate other global funding partners.

“This MOU will provide catalytic funding from Shelter Afrique, who will also be the lead arranger to assist in raising additional financing through the syndication of other Developmental Financial Institutions. This funding will contribute to the delivery of the 3000 houses under the government social housing project in Yaoundé and Douala,” Mr Chimphondah said at the signing ceremony.

40th Annual General Meeting and Anniversary

The signing ceremony also featured the signing of the hosting country agreement for the 40th Annual General Meeting, which will be hosted in Yaounde from the 20th– 26th of June 2021; the Minister and the 1st Vice-Chairperson of the Bureau reiterated Cameroon’s commitment to host a unique AGM.

“Under the High Patronage of the President, His Excellency, Mr Paul Biya, Cameroon will be hosting 43 Member countries and global financial institutions to the 40th Annual General Meeting. We are eager to share the Cameroonian hospitality but, more importantly, to engage with the Finance Ministers and Housing Ministers that will be present to collectively find pragmatic solutions to the housing crisis in Africa during this post-COVID-19 era. Above all, It promises to be a unique AGM”.

Chimphondah adding on the unique nature of the AGM, noted that the AGM coincides with the organisations 40th anniversary; “In most cultures, 40 is a significant milestone; milestones offer us an opportunity to congratulate ourselves and enjoy our accomplishments. More importantly, they are a moment for us to reflect and consider what happens next. That is why the theme for this year’s AGM is Four Decades of Affordable Housing Policies in Africa: Mapping the Next Forty Years. Our 40th year will be one of retrospection; We believe as we navigate this new decade and the realities that this pandemic has thrown into sharp relief, there is a need to review Africa’s policy environment. Not merely to measure growth, successes and challenges but, more importantly, to forecast the next forty years to shape policy for our member-states.”

Chimphondah acknowledged the limitation of COVID-19 on travel and gatherings and offered that the AGM will be presented as a hybrid of in-person attendance and virtual attendance. It will be recalled that Shelter Afrique successfully held their first virtual AGM in 2020.

Shelter Afrique and the African Solidarity Fund have joined forces

Shelter Afrique and the African Solidarity Fund (FSA have joined forces to contribute to Africa's economic development

Nairobi: 18 March 2021: SHELTER-AFRIQUE and the AFRICAN SOLIDARITY FUND (ASF) have joined forces through the signing of a partnership framework agreement, which will enable the two institutions to contribute more effectively to the economic development of their common member states.

The collaboration between Shelter Afrique and the FSA is premised on the FSA’s capacity for intervention instruments, notably the financial guarantee (in the form of risk-sharing), and the refinancing with or without extension of the duration of the loans of medium or long term investment projects financed by Shelter Afrique.

Shelter-Afrique is the only pan-African financial institution that exclusively supports the development of the housing and real estate sector on the continent. Shelter-Afrique is owned by 44 African countries, the African Development Bank and the African Reinsurance Corporation (Africa-Re).
The African Solidarity Fund (FSA) is a multilateral financial institution operating in 14 African countries, specialising in guarantees. The FSA’s mission is to work towards economic development and poverty alleviation in its member states by facilitating the financing of investment projects in public, private and micro-finance sectors.

“The majority of African countries are already facing a housing crisis, with the overall housing shortage estimated at 56 million units on the continent. Of this total, more than 90 per cent fall into the affordable housing category. This revelation has redefined our overall strategy as a company, which is now more focused on providing affordable housing in all our member states through a public-private partnership model. “said Mr Chimphondah.

The Managing Director of the FSA, Mr DIALLO, said that “the FSA is an essential contributor to the implementation of structural projects and initiatives that transform member states’ economies.

The objectives of Shelter Afrique and the FSA are to contribute to the economic development of their member countries through the financing of investment projects, the support of microfinance institutions and the development of the real estate sector.

Commenting on the partnership agreement signed between the two institutions, FSA’s Managing Director, Ahmadou Abdoulaye DIALLO, said that “the resolution of this agreement is to provide a framework for cooperation in which Shelter Afrique and FSA will work together to achieve mutual objectives in the common member states”.

“This is an exciting partnership with Shelter Afrique as we will be working together in areas of common interest, concerning medium- and long-term financing operations and the financing of public-private partnership (PPP) operations. “said Mr DIALLO.

Speaking on the partnership, Shelter-Afrique’s Managing Director, Andrew Chimphondah, stressed that “the convergence of the FSA and Shelter-Afrique missions will provide financing, counselling and research solutions in the field of housing, respectively.

Shelter Afrique receives USD 2 million from the Government of Mali

Shelter Afrique receives USD 2 million from the Government of Mali

Nairobi – Tuesday, March 16, 2021: Pan African housing development financier Shelter Afrique has received USD 2 million (€1,724,397.54) from the Government of Mali, being the full settlement of its capital subscription arrears.Mali becomes the fifth shareholder to settle in full both the 2013 and 2017 capital calls from Shelter Afrique after Zimbabwe ,Lesotho,Morocco and Namibia .

This comes days after Togo’s Government committed to settle its outstanding capital subscription which currently stands at USD103,000. Additionally, the Government of Togo is in talks with Shelter Afrique to increase its capital subscription to 10% in order to secure a permanent seat on the Company’s Board.

Speaking in Nairobi, Shelter Afrique’s Group Managing Director, Mr Andrew Chimphondah, lauded Mali’s government for its show of confidence in the institution and recalled that Mali had often led the way in ensuring that the Company is well capitalised.

“This is a strong show of confidence in Shelter Afrique by member countries that the institution is now better governed and has significantly improved its financial performance. As a result, shareholders have supported the institution’s recapitalisation as demonstrated by Mali’s capital injection and recent contributions from other countries such as Nigeria, Rwanda, Uganda, Togo, Zimbabwe, Swaziland, Morocco, Lesotho, and Namibia,” Mr Chimphondah noted. The Company has in the last few years raised a total of 82 million dollars and continues to advocate for collective action on affordable housing in Africa.

Robust loan pipeline

Mr Chimphondah noted that the capital payment comes at an ideal time for the Company; Shelter Afrique has built a healthy loan pipeline following business resumption in 2019.

“We have built a robust loan pipeline of US$842 million since we resumed processing of new loans in 2019. This means that we require a strong capital base to finance the various housing projects across the continent. Member countries and shareholders honoring their capital obligations very critical to support Shelter Afrique in its quest to deliver decent and affordable homes to All Africans given the gaping housing shortage of 56 million housing units throughout Africa ,” Mr Chimphondah said.

Besides capital subscription, the Chief Executive said the Company was reviewing various capital raising options, including debt options through the issuance of local currency bonds to develop and deepen the capital markets in Africa.

“We are looking at raising an East African bond (key markets like Kenya (to service Kenya mainly and other countries within the East African Region ), Nigeria (for a Naira-denominated bond) and an FCFA bond,” Mr Chimphondah said.

In readiness for return to the capital market, Shelter Afrique recently entered into a strategic partnership with the World Bank. The latter extended a Ksh22m (USD200,000) grant to support the Company’s capital market program. The funding will enhance Shelter Afrique’s institutional, operational and technical capacity targeting the reinstatement of the Company’s investment-grade credit rating and a strong return to the capital markets.

Shelter-Afrique is a pan African housing finance and development institution established by African governments to address the need for a sustainable housing delivery system and related infrastructure projects in Africa. Shareholders include 44 African countries, the African Development Bank, and the African Reinsurance Corporation (Africa-Re).

Statement of Commitment for EDGE Champions

Excellence In Design For Greater Efficiencies

Shelter Afrique has been recognized as an EDGE Champion by IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, for our commitment to green building construction in Africa.

We have committed to certifying 4,416 affordable housing units with EDGE, a global green building certification system, which is in line with our 2021-2025 corporate strategy. To achieve EDGE certification, the units will demonstrate resource efficiency of at least 20 percent in energy, water, and embodied energy in materials.

Furthermore, through our Centre of Excellence (CoE), we will collaborate with IFC to deliver an EDGE Discovery Workshop to developers across Africa to accelerate the development of resource-efficient affordable housing.

This commitment exemplifies our resolve to support Africa’s sustainability drive by contributing to solving the continent’s affordable housing crises through green building practices.

An innovation of IFC, EDGE is an online platform, a green building standard, and a global certification system. EDGE Champions are recognized for their adoption of EDGE certification and their work with IFC to steer the construction sector onto a more low-carbon path.


Shelter Afrique Recognized by IFC for its Commitment to Building Green Affordable Housing in Africa

Excellence In Design For Greater Efficiencies

Nairobi: 18 February 2021: Pan-African housing development financier, Shelter Afrique, has been recognized as an EDGE Champion by IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, for its commitment to green building construction in Africa.
Shelter Afrique has committed to certifying 4,416 affordable housing units with EDGE, a global green building certification system, in line with its 2021-2025 corporate strategy. To achieve EDGE certification, the units will demonstrate resource efficiency of at least 20 percent in energy, water, and embodied energy in materials.

Through its Centre of Excellence (CoE), Shelter Afrique will collaborate with IFC to deliver an EDGE Discovery Workshop to developers across Africa to accelerate the development of resource-efficient affordable housing.

“We view EDGE as a mark of value that will shape and grow demand for our sustainable housing communities in Africa,” said Shelter Afrique Chief Executive Officer Andrew Chimphondah. “Additionally, living in an EDGE-certified home benefits the homeowner and their family through significant savings in utility costs.”

By leveraging proprietary technologies, processes and sustainable measures, Shelter Afrique plans to incorporate EDGE certification into its’ corporate strategy. This commitment indicates Shelter Afrique’s resolve to support Africa’s sustainability drive by contributing to solving the continent’s affordable housing crises through green building practices.

An innovation of IFC, EDGE is an online platform, a green building standard, and a global certification system. EDGE Champions are recognized for their adoption of EDGE certification and their work with IFC to steer the construction sector onto a more low-carbon path.

About IFC

IFC – a sister organization of the World Bank and member of the World Bank Group – is the largest global development institution focused on the private sector in emerging markets. We work in more than 100 countries, using our capital, expertise, and influence to create markets and opportunities in developing countries. In fiscal year 2020, we invested more than $22 billion in private companies and financial institutions in developing countries, leveraging the power of the private sector to end extreme poverty and boost shared prosperity. For more information, visit

About EDGE

An innovation of IFC, EDGE helps property developers to build and brand green in a fast, easy and affordable way. EDGE is supported by free software that encourages solutions to reduce energy, water and the energy used to make building materials by at least 20 percent, which is the standard for EDGE certification. The program has been generously supported by the following donors: Austria, Canada, Denmark, ESMAP, EU, Finland, GEF, Hungary, Japan, Switzerland and the UK. For more information, visit