Director Issa Seydou Sissoko

Skills and competencies

Architectural and urban planning skills.

Design and management (supervision, monitoring and evaluation) of architectural projects;

Design and management of subdivision projects;

Training skills;

Computer skills (Microsoft Office and other software, GIS, Auto-CAD, ArchCAD, etc.);

Management of domain issues, urban planning, construction and housing.

Academic qualifications

Diploma in architecture (architectural design); Beijing JiaoTong University – 2004;

Diploma in Urban Planning and Design; Beijing University of Technology – 2008;

Certificate on public procurement UEMOA procedure 2011;

Certificate on public procurement DGMP procedure 2018.


Mr. SISSOKO has held several positions in public administration, mainly in the Housing and Urban Planning Department:

Head of the Bamako District Architectural Heritage Office,

Head of the Bamako District Housing Division;

Head of the Architecture Section at the Direction Nationale de l’Urbanisme et de l’Habitat;

Directeur Regional de l’Urbanisme et de l’Habitat de la Region de Koulikoro.

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