Director Kiiza Ephraim Bichetero

Academic Qualifications

Global Executive Master of Business Administration Degree, United States International University in collaboration with the Colombia Business School – Kenya.

Credit & Political Risk Insurance by Euro Money.

Associated Chartered Insurance Institute (London) -United Kingdom.

Bachelor of Arts (BA), Makerere University – Uganda

Skills & Competencies

Mr. Ephraim Kiiza K. Bichetero has held leadership roles in several institutions and brings a wealth of experience in matters Re-Insurance audit, risk, and finance.


Impeccable knowledge of reinsurance

Insurance & Finance Competence

Audit, Governance & Risk Expertise

Board Experience

Member and Chairperson of the Board of Directors of the Company for Habitat & Housing in Africa (Shelter Afrique) – 2021-2022.

Member of the Board of Africa Trade Insurance Agency (ATI)

Member of the Audit, Governance & Risk Management Committee for Insurance Training & Education Trust (ITET).

Member of the Board of Organization of East & Southern Africa Insurers.

Member of the Risk Evaluation Committee for the Insurance Regulatory Authority, Kenya.

Technical & Reinsurance Manager of United Assurance Company Ltd. (UAP Insurance).

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