Director Dr. Ouadja Kossi Gbati

Academic qualifications

PhD, Urban geography, University of Lomé

Land Use Planning and Community Management, University of Lomé.

Master of Arts, Urban Geography, University of Lomé.

Bachelor of Arts, General Geography, University of Lomé.

DEUG, General Geography, University of Benin

Skills & Competencies

Land management issues.

Urban planning issues.

Decentralization and local government management issues.

Land use and urban planning.

Town and urban planning.

Board Experience

Mr. Ouadja Kossi Gbati has an immense appreciation of urban development and land Management issues and has held leadership positions in several institutions.

Acting director general (DG / Pi) of the Center for Construction and Housing (CCL) Lomé.

Member of the Board of Directors of the Société autonome du financement de I’entretien routier (SAFER) – Togo.

Head Division of subdivision extracts and urban planning studies at the Directorate General of Urban Planning, Municipal Development.

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