We are the Pan-African Real Estate Finance Institution

Shelter Afrique is the only pan-African finance institution that exclusively
supports the development of the housing and real estate sector in Africa.

We believe that as we build houses, We build families and nations.
This is our commitment to the people of Africa

Shelter Afrique Established after Lusaka Call

Shelter Afrique was established in 1982 by African governments at heeding the calls of African leaders at the Organization for African Unity meeting of Heads of State and Government convened in Lusaka in 1981. It was created by the African Development Bank (AfDB), African Reinsurance Corporation (Africa-Re) and CDC

Our constituent charter was signed in 1982

Shelter Afrique Donates to Machakos County

Shelter Afrigue Donates to Machakos County

Under the Second Strategic Goal, Enhanced Shareholder Value and Development Impact, Shelter Afrique has operationalised the SHAF Foundation. The Foundation has as its main component the Centre of Excellence (CoE), which was launched in 2019 to advise and shape policy on affordable housing.

Shelter Afrique believes the growing COVID-19 Pandemic is proving how interrelated housing policy is to all aspects of the economy; many African Countries have experienced difficulty enacting social distancing measures when there are so many informal housing settlements. This is why Shelter Afrique believes the CoE is necessary for developing and shaping policy.

The second component of the Shelter Afrique Foundation is Corporate Social Responsibility activities. Over the last three weeks, across all regional offices, Shelter Afrique has donated relief materials to those most affected by the lockdown measures. As a start, the SHAF Foundation donated food and household goods to 4000 families in Nigeria and Ivory Coast.

Donations of 1000 test kits were made to the Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI). Additionally, given the existing relationship with Machakos County and the strategic focus, the SHAF Foundation also provided relief materials to Canton City, which is close to Everest Park, Athi River.

Last year, Shelter Afrique launched the second phase of two of our signature projects in Machakos. Everest Park, which is in Athi-River, is a Joint Venture Project between Shelter Afrique and Everest Park Limited, comprising of 380 affordable units, most of which have already been purchased. Riverview Estate in Athi-River as well is a project financed by Shelter Afrique and developed by Karibu Homes Parktel comprising of 569 affordable housing units delivered in two phases.

Indeed, many of the casual workers in Everest Park reside in Canton City.

Shelter Afrique was represented at the handover ceremony by the Board Chairman, Mr Steve Mainda and Chief Executive Officer, Andrew Chimphodah. The Board Chairman commended the Governor, His Excellency, Dr Alfred Mutua, for his leadership and foresight in dealing with the pandemic proactively.

Shelter Afrique Foundation Donates to KEMRI


Nairobi: April, 30th, 2020: Pan-African housing development financier Shelter Afrique through its foundation, the Shelter Afrique Foundation, has donated KES 1 million shillings to KEMRI to help the institute boost its testing capacity in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. The foundation’s intervention comes after many countries have struggled to boost their testing capacity for the novel Coronavirus.

Speaking at the handover ceremony at the Shelter Afrique headquarters in Nairobi, Managing Director, Andrew Chimphondah noted the growing relationship between the two organisations, “Ordinarily it would be odd to note a relationship between a medical research institution and a housing financier, on the surface there is very little to register between biochemists, epidemiologists and architects, accountants and quantity surveyors. But these are not ordinary times, these are urgent times and we, like many others find ourselves bound to society at large”

He continued “I would like to begin by thanking the KEMRI and indeed all scientific staff for the active role in the fight against Coronavirus. I would also want to commend the Government of Kenya for the way they have managed the pandemic. These are urgent times, this has been our guiding philosophy over the last few weeks and urgent times calls for society to pull together. We have been looking for a way to play a part and we have realized that any successful strategy starts with testing; we are making this gesture today to support KEMRI’s capacity to test”.

Receiving the donation, the Director General, KEMRI, Prof. Yeri Kombe thanked the Shelter Afrique for their generous contribution, saying this will immensely boost the research in the development of diagnostic kits in particular, the Point of Contact Rapid Test (PoCT) kit which KEMRI is undertaking as part of their response to Covid-19 pandemic.

“This generous donation from our friends Shelter Afrique has come at a time when KEMRI is actively involved in the development of various diagnostics, vaccine and molecular techniques that are geared towards the fight against Covid-19 in Kenya…This generous contribution will enable us make approxitely 1,250 kits which is great boost to our effort” Prof. Kombe said.

Among the various products that KEMRI is developing against Covid-19 include; The Whole Genome Sequencing, virus transport media, Rapid Test kits, drug development and production of alcohol based hand sanitizers.

“For us this is a double blessing! when we have just been nominated by the Africa CDC as a Centre of Excellence for Evaluation of Covid-19 diagnostic to establish a continental capacity to facilitate systematic appraisal of SARS-2 diagnostic-tests. This will also ensure timely and accurate testing which is critical for effective response, for Several SARS-2 diagnostic tests” said Prof. Kombe.

The engagement with KEMRI comes in a wake where the Shelter Afrique Foundation has provided relief materials to over 4000 beneficiaries across Africa; the relief package includes dry goods, detergents, and other staple foodstuffs. The Shelter Afrique Foundation supports Shelter Afrique’s advocacy and research work, created in 2016 the foundation had an initial endowment of USD 1.7 million dollars and receives an agreed percentage from the Company’s profits. While active in advocacy and research, these activities mark the first Corporate Social Responsibility of the organization that targets low-income beneficiaries.

Shelter Afrique has vowed to continue to find ways to support member countries during the crisis and is mainly concerned with how the crisis will impact affordable housing in member countries. The Centre of Excellence, a unit of the organization dedicated to research and funded by the foundation has begun anticipating the many ways the pandemic will reshape affordable housing in Africa.

The Shelter Afrique Foundation donates relief material to beneficiaries in Côte d’Ivoire

Shelter Afrigue Donates to Machakos County

Abidjan, Ivory Coast: April 30th, 2020 – Pan African housing development financier Shelter Afrique through its foundation, the Shelter Afrique Foundation, has donated relief materials to over 4000 beneficiaries in Ivory Coast, Nigeria and Kenya where It has regional offices. The foundation’s intervention comes after many African countries have implemented preventive and restricted measures in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
These measures have proven useful and necessary but have placed an undue burden on those who work in the informal sector, which according to the International Labour Organisation, represents 86 per cent of the African Labour force. These informal workers earn their living daily and have been gravely impacted by the restriction on movement which impairs their ability to trade and provide for their families.
It is on this basis that the Shelter Afrique Foundation has provided relief materials to over 4000 beneficiaries across Africa; the relief package includes dry goods, detergents, and other staple foodstuffs. Speaking on behalf of the Managing Director at the handover ceremony in Koweit Yopougon, Mr Edmond Adjikpe, the Regional Manager for Nigeria, noted that “It is easy while ensuring the health and well-being of ourselves and our families, to forget that society is made of the many, not the few. Society will have to come together to relieve the burden Coronavirus places on all on us; society cannot be the government alone; it is the Civil Society, Private and Public Sector.”
The Shelter Afrique Foundation supports Shelter Afrique’s advocacy and research work, created in 2016 the foundation had an initial endowment of USD 1.7 million dollars and receives an agreed percentage from the Company’s profits. While active in advocacy and research, this activity marks the first Corporate Social Responsibility of the organisation that targets low-income beneficiaries.
Adjikpe added, “These are urgent times; indeed, there is little left of our daily lives which have not been affected in one way or the other by the Global Pandemic. The burden this pandemic place on us is unduly heavier on some of us, and that is why we are here today; The Shelter Afrique Foundation, the arm of our company which deals with Civil Society engagement has identified family sustenance as essential during these urgent times”.

Shelter Afrique has vowed to continue to find ways to support member countries during the crisis and is mainly concerned with how the crisis will impact affordable housing in member countries. The Centre of Excellence, a unit of the organisation dedicated to research and funded by the foundation has begun anticipating the many ways the pandemic will reshape affordable housing in Africa.

Shelter Afrique Foundation Donates Relief Materials to Low-Income Beneficiaries in Daki-Biyu, Abuja

Shelter Afrique Foundation Donates Relief Materials to Low-Income Beneficiaries in Daki-Biyu, Abuja

Abuja: April 27th, 2020 – Pan African housing development financier Shelter Afrique through its foundation, the Shelter Afrique Foundation, has donated relief materials to over 4000 beneficiaries in Ivory Coast, Nigeria and Kenya where It has regional offices. The foundation’s intervention comes after many African countries have implemented preventive and restricted measures in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

These measures have proven useful and necessary but have placed an undue burden on those who work in the informal sector, which according to the International Labour Organisation, represents 86 per cent of the African Labour force. These informal workers earn their living daily and have been gravely impacted by the restriction on movement which impairs their ability to trade and provide for their families.

It is on this basis that the Shelter Afrique Foundation has provided relief materials to over 4000 beneficiaries across Africa; the relief package includes dry goods, detergents, and other staple foodstuffs. Speaking on behalf of the Managing Director at the handover ceremony in Daki-biyu Village, Mrs Elizabeth Ogonegbu, the Regional Manager for Nigeria, noted that “It is easy while ensuring the health and well-being of ourselves and our families, to forget that society is made of the many, not the few. Society will have to come together to relieve the burden Coronavirus places on all on us; society cannot be the government alone; it is the Civil Society, Private and Public Sector.”
The Shelter Afrique Foundation supports Shelter Afrique’s advocacy and research work, created in 2016 the foundation had an initinal endowment of USD 1.7 million dollars and receives an agreed percentage from the Company’s profits. While active in advocacy and research, this activity marks the first Corporate Social Responsibility of the organisation that targets low-income beneficiaries.

Ogonegbu added, “These are urgent times; indeed, there is little left of our daily lives which have not been affected in one way or the other by the Global Pandemic. The burden this pandemic place on us is unduly heavier on some of us, and that is why we are here today; The Shelter Afrique Foundation, the arm of our company which deals with Civil Society engagement has identified family sustenance as essential during these urgent times”.

Shelter Afrique has vowed to continue to find ways to support member countries during the crisis and is mainly concerned with how the crisis will impact affordable housing in member countries. The Centre of Excellence, a unit of the organisation dedicated to research and funded by the foundation has begun anticipating the many ways the pandemic will reshape affordable housing in Africa.

Shelter Afrique makes it to World Finance 100 list for 2019

Shelter Afrique makes it to World Finance 100 list for 2019

The World Finance 100 acknowledges the individuals and businesses that have looked past a year of turgid economic growth to keep pushing their industries forward.

Nairobi: January 28, 2020 – Pan- African housing development financier, Shelter Afrique has made it to the World Finance 100 list for 2019; joining other top global brands including Apple, Nike, Carrefour, GlaxoSmithKline, Royal Dutch Shell Samsung, Hitachi, Walmart, Zenith Bank, Novartis, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, among others.
Published by the Landon-based World Media News, The World Finance 100 celebrates those who have reached the pinnacle of achievement across a wide variety of fields of expertise, as well as those organisations and individuals that lead the way in driving their industries forward.

“The current stagnation places businesses in a predicament. They could invest now in an attempt to capture greater market share, or hold off in the hope that tomorrow will deliver a more supportive economic climate. Despite this uncertainty, some firms have pressed on, aware that standing still is rarely the right approach. The organisations acknowledged by the World Finance 100 such as Shelter Afrique, have been recognized for their ability to lead their respective industries even in unfavourable conditions,” the publication said when it unveiled the list.

Following 2016 disruptive event, Shelter Afrique restructured its business and developed a 5-year strategic plan with a primary focus on turning around the company’s financial performance from loss making to financial viability by 2020 and overall financial sustainability by 2023.

“Shelter Afrique is happy to have been nominated for advocating for and advancing the affordable housing agenda in Africa. We are also happy to be in the company of some great institutions. Our three strategic goals are to promote financial sustainability, enhance shareholder value and improve organisational performance,” Shelter Afrique Chief Executive Officer Andrew Chimphondah said.

Shelter Afrique aims to approve funding worth US$1bn over the next five years for project financing, institutional lending and social housing, with an overarching ambition to provide decent and affordable housing in member states.

Shelter Afrique Receives ISO Certification

The certification is valid for the next three years, with renewal set at the expiry of the implementation period.

Nairobi: March 4, 2020 – Pan African housing development financier Shelter Afrique has received ISO (International Organization for Standardization) 9001:2015 certification for Quality Management Systems from Bureau Veritas Certification Holding SAS (UK Branch), accredited by United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) Management System.

The certification is a global recognition of the management and staff commitment to improved corporate governance through the improvement of our processes, systems, management controls and risks. This will ensure that our crucial stakeholder needs are handled more effectively and efficiently.

Speaking at The Company’s Headquarters in Nairobi, Shelter Afrique’s Chief Executive Officer Andrew Chimphondah said the certification was “a deliberate response to support the key strategic goal to foster organisational sustainability through improved governance. Through the ISO certification, the company has demonstrated its ability to consistently improve its processes, products and services to become more customer-centric .”

“The company’s attainment of this feat reassures key stakeholders of our resilience and continuous improvements in line with global best practice. The company will continuously strive to improve its processes, systems, services and products to ensure that our customers enjoy a seamless hassle-free experience organisation structure, standardising its products and services towards offering the best quality of services,” Mr Chimphondah said, adding that the certification had built a stable platform for the company to approach and apply the international standards to its quality management systems.

He said certification would help the company to manage high customer expectations while making improvements to product quality and operations while addressing organisational risks and opportunities in a structured manner.

“This higher-level certification demonstrates how Shelter Afrique strives to execute on its mandate in a structured and well-governed manner. ISO 9001:2015 will help us further improve our internal processes and customer support, as we continue to address the issue of affordable housing across Africa,” Mr Chimphondah said.

The certification is valid until 2023, with renewal set at the expiry of the implementation period.

“Through the Enterprise Risk Management function, management has taken appropriate measures to ensure that all the requirements of the standard are maintained and implemented through-out the three-year validity period,” Mr Chimphondah said.

ISO is the world’s largest developer and publisher of international standards. ISO 9001:2015 is a company level certification based on the standard published by ISO titled “Quality Management Systems”. The standard is a non-industry specific certification and is intended for any organisation that wants to implement and maintain a quality management system.


Shelter Afrique engages at WUF10

Shelter Afrique engages at WUF10

The World Urban Forum (WUF) coordinated by the UN-Habitat was held in Abu Dhabi from the 8th-13th of February 2020 with the theme ‘Cities of opportunities – Connecting Culture and Innovation’; WUF is one of the largest gatherings of urban and real estate professionals in the world. It featured government officials, policymakers and professionals from all across the world in high-level dialogue series on how to move the New Urban Agenda forward.

SHAF used the opportunity to engage with its shareholders and stakeholders and on the 10th of February it held a Side Event titled ‘Opportunities and Challenges to Catalysing Affordable Housing in Africa’. The side event discussed the collaboration between Shelter Afrique and Habitat for Humanity to mobilise/increase access to housing loans for low–middle-income households in Africa. The side event was well attended, and it attracted several African ministers and other key stakeholders in the African policy and practice of affordable housing and urban development. Shelter Afrique also held an Investor Relations Cocktail for its Shareholders and Stakeholders on the evening of the 10th of February.

Key Deliverables of the side event include but are not limited to:

  • Sharing knowledge and learnings around the financial needs of households pursuing owner-driven construction and financial system constraints on affordable housing for low-income, urban families in Africa
  • Inspiring private-sector players to invest in affordable housing as a sustainable and scalable business opportunity
  • Enhancing investments for catalytic impact targeting shelter and resilience
  • Convening to showcase Shelter Afrique’s impact and future strategies, in terms of its projects and related products and services that support the delivery of affordable housing and urban development in Africa
  • Serving as a platform to discuss Shelter Afrique’s partnerships and engagement strategies with its member states and other shareholders towards enabling Africa to achieve its affordable housing