Shelter Afrique Appoints a New Board Chairman of the 11th Board

Shelter Afrique the Pan-African Housing Financier dealing exclusively with the promotion of affordable housing has appointed a new Board Chairman. Mr Daniel Nghidinua of Namibia replaces Mr Jean Paul Missi of Cameroon, who remains a member of the board.
Mr Nghidinua is a seasoned technocrat, who serves as Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Urban and Rural Development. He has also served in numerous government positions, some of which include as Deputy Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Trade and Industry; Acting Managing Director, Namibia Wildlife Resorts and Chief Executive Officer: Offshore Development Company.
Mr Nghidinua holds a Masters of Science degree in Public Policy & Management from the School of Oriental & African Studies (SOAS), United Kingdom and a Bachelor of Administration (Economics & Development Administration), University of South Africa (UNISA), Pretoria, South Africa.

Mr Nghidinua takes over the Chairmanship of the 11th Shelter Afrique Board at a time when the company is undertaking a major overhaul of its business and its structure. He will be overseeing the positioning of the company as an investment-grade organisation and a capital drive which will include opening membership to new Class C shareholders.

Mr Nghidinua also sits as a Member of the Board of Directors of the Offshore Development Company, Namibia and was the Chairman of the of the Board of Directors of the Namibia Tourism Board.

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